Amuntai is the capital of Hulu Sungai Utara regency in South Kalimantan. You can visit "Candi Agung"
The area of Hulu Sungai Utara regency mostly lowland and swamp. Amuntai itself located in lowland.
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Candi Agung (The Great Temple) - located in the village of Malang River, Central Amuntai district, Candi Agung is the legacy of State Dipa Kingdom (Kerajaan Negara Dipa). This kingdom eventually gave birth to The Kingdom of Daha State (Kerajaan Negara Daha) and The Kingdom of Banjarmasin (Kerajaan Banjarmasin). The temple's materials are mainly stone and wood. The appearance of the stones is very similar to that of red brick, but these are heavier and more powerful than ordinary red bricks.
- Water buffalo - the best time to visit is in August, when you can attend the water buffalo race in Bararawa village and Sepala village but you can come anytime if you just want to see the activity of water buffalo herders and enjoy the swamp by using jukung/sampan.