Athiyur is a village in Tamil Nadu South Coast.
Tamil is the language spoken in Athiyur.
The nearest airports is Tiruchirappalli (IATA: TRZ). Athiyur can be reached from the airport by bus which will take 3.30 hours travel.
Athiyur is well connected to all the major towns and cities in Tamil Nadu; the State Transport Corporation operates buses to Athiyur (through Kumbakonam).
From Chennai 7.30 hrs of travel by bus.There are excellent bus services provided by both government and private travel services. For more comfortable travel its better to choose a private travel service. It's about 90km from Tirchy and about 40km from Thanjavur.
Uzhavan, Mannai and Thiruchendur Express connect Athiyur to Chennai, Thanjavur and Trichy