Hezuo (Zoi) is a town in Gansu Province. It is also the capital of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.
Buses from Xiahe and Linxia, which take 2 hours, and buses from Lanzhou, which take 5 hours
Gannan Binguan - opposite bus station Gansu Highland Travel - guesthouse to thye north of the bus station Lingcheng Minzu Lushe - has 3 person rooms available. Shaoma Hotel - opposite Tianyuan Hotel Tianyuan Hotel - down street to east of Lingcheng MInzu
Buses for Lanzhou (every 30 min from 5:30AM), Xining, Linxia (every 30 min from 5:30AM), and Xiahe. Buses for other towns in Gannan Prefecture. Buses to Henan in Qinghai and Aba and Ruoergai in Sichuan.
2nd-order administrative division
Primary administrative division