Koudougou is the second largest city in the Volta Delta of Burkina Faso.
You will find Moore spoken everywhere and Lyèlè when you look for it (about 60/40).
Get in
To/from Ouaga:
Rayi’s transport (near grand marché in Ouaga, near grand mosquée in KDG): every two hours 8:00-18:00. 1250 CFA one-way, 2500 round trip. Runs to Bobo daily at 8:00 and 14:00. You can also take KZA, STKF, STPW, EDBAF and numerous other transport services/bush taxis. Transport to/from Dédougou is at cinema, across from Bon Marché
Trains on the line between Ouagadougou and Abidjan call in Banfora.
- Koudougou railway station (Gare de Koudougou), 12.248406°, -2.362389°. 2020-03-03
Get around
- Rayimi Museum, +226 25 44 10 37, 12.237073°, -2.37649°. Museum showcasing local traditions. 2020-03-03
Sabou: sacred crocodiles – tourist trap! (1000 CFA one-way from Gare Routière)
- NAK: Nuits Attypique de Koudougou takes place every year (November-ish), a mini SIAO/Bobo-cultural week
- Swimming Pool at Le Club Palmiste.
- 2, yes 2, cinemas which show movies nightly as well as sporting events and beauty pageants. There is one near Bon Marché and one near the mosque.
- Thêatre Populaire de Koudougou: across from Lycée Provincial, an open-air, stadium-style theatre.
At entrance to town (if coming from Ouaga) on right-hand side. Wonderful selection of fruits/vegetables/grains. Also has good selection of pagnes and traditional fabric, used clothes, bead, things for your house (buckets, etc.). Nice atmosphere. Will open new market near the mosque soon and all will move there.
There is also a street near the post known as the fruit market – bananas, mangos, papayas, apples, pineapple, etc according to what is in season.
There are two western-style supermarchés:
- CORAM: on KDG-DDG axis near the mosque
- Bon marché: on the route to Sabou, near gare routière, across from cinema, fruit/veggie woman right outside
Can find most everything except skim milk powder.
Good tailor behind Lycée Provincial, near sport stadium: good prices, friends.
- Ety: Patisserie with salads, pizza, burgers, ice cream, crèpes, etc. On maid road (KDG-DDG). Great, but watch out for sleazy waiters (tip: look occupied with a book and they don’t try to hit on you). Not too expensive (1000-2000 CFA for a meal).
- Le Club Palmiste: fries, salads, rice, spaghetti, etc. a ways out of town on the way to DDG after pavement ends. 500-1000 CFA for a meal.
- La Consolatrice: on the right near where the pavement ends
Street food and snacks
Lots of benga, toh, rice/sauce, spaghetti, yogurt, dégé, grilled corn, etc. Good food in STKF gare and right outside Rayis gare. Meat brochettes popular near cinema/EDBAF “gare.” Bissap and water all over the place.
- Zaka – near the poste/cathedral. Relaxed, outside, French TV5
- La Bache Blue
- Le Titanic
- Splendid Koudougou (Luxury Hotel) : 69,000 CFA per night with breakfast included. Great for a retreat
- Catholic Mission (Petit Seminaire): (pcv rate) dormitory 1250 CFA per night, single room 2500 per night. You can eat meals here also. Out of town a bit on road to Dédougou, make a left at the 2-story gas station after pavement ends
- Hotel Esperance: 4000 CFA per night, room sleeps 2 people. On road to Dédougou, right after turn-off to Réo.
Post Office
On main road (KDG -> Dédougou); open normal weekday hours (NOT weekends).
Coconet: near the marché, across the main street, 900 CFA per hour, decent connection speed
L’espace Bureautique: on main road on the way to Dédougou after turn-off to Réo; they also have a fax machine and a good photocopier.