Mangum - city in Oklahoma, USA

Mangum is city of 3,000 people (2010) in the Great Plains Country region of southwest Oklahoma.

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  • The Old Greer County Museum and Pioneer Hall of Fame, occupies a 1907 hospital building and features over 60 rooms of artifacts relevant to the history of Old Greer County. The hospital was built by Dr. Fowler Border before Oklahoma reached statehood.
  • The Margaret Carder Library, founded in 1922, contains 14,318 volumes and circulates 11,794 items per year.

Locations in Mangum listed on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Greer County, Oklahoma include:

  • Downtown Mangum Historic District
  • Greer County Courthouse
  • Hotel Franklin
  • Mangum Armory
  • Mangum Community Building


  • Rattlesnake Derby. Every April, Mangum hosts its annual Rattlesnake Derby. Attractions include the rattlesnake hunt for professional and amateur rattlesnake hunters (guides are available to show newbie hunters the ropes), a bus safari, the snake tent (where you can come nose to nose with captured rattlesnakes), carnival rides, flea market stalls, fantastic food (including fried rattlesnake find out for yourself if it really tastes like chicken), live music, and the crowning of the Rattlesnake Princess. Admission is free. For exact dates and times contact the Mangum City Hall.





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Postal code:73554Date Time:Please wait...Timezone:America/ChicagoPopulation:2,762Coordinates:34.88, -99.51

Greer County

2nd-order administrative division


Primary administrative division

United States
Population:327.2 MDial code:+1Currency:Dollar (USD)Voltage:120 V, 240 V, 60 Hz
NEMA 14-30NEMA 14-50