Midhurst - town in West Sussex, England

Midhurst is a market town in West Sussex.


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Get around


Cowdray Castle Cowdray Ruins, Cowdray Heritage Trust, Visitor Centre, River Ground Stables, GU29 9AL, 50.98761°, -0.73169°, +44 1730 812 423. 2021-05-23

The Midhurst Museum and Tea Rooms, knockhundred market, Knockhundred Row, GU29 9DQ, 50.98693°, -0.73798°, +44 7528 648 643, midhurstmuseum@yahoo.co.uk. Tu-Sa 10:30AM-4PM. 2021-05-23

Midhurst War Memorial, Church Hill, GU29 9PB, 50.98586°, -0.73785°. 2021-05-23





Swan Inn - Flickr The Bricklayers Arms, Wool Ln, GU29 9BX, 50.98551°, -0.73900°, +44 1730 812 084. 2021-05-23

The Half Moon Inn, Petersfield Rd, GU29 9LL, 50.98907°, -0.75116°. 2021-05-23

The Royal Oak, Oaklands Ln, West Lavington, GU29 0EP, +44 1730 817 478, info@royaloakmidhurst.co.uk. noon-. 2021-05-23

The Swan Inn, Red Lion St, Midhurst GU29 9PB, 50.98559°, -0.73781°, +44 1730 859 557, digby@swanmidhurst.com. 2021-05-23

The Wheatsheaf, Wool Ln, GU29 9BX, +44 1730 813 450. 2021-05-23

White Horse of Easebourne, Easebourne St, Easebourne, GU29 0AL, 50.99627°, -0.72543°, +44 1730 813 521. 2021-06-17


South Street - geograph.org.uk 1817190 Spread Eagle Hotel & Spa, South St, GU29 9NH, +44 1730 816 911, reception@spreadeagle-midhurst.com. 2021-05-23

Out of town

Park House Hotel, 1 Bepton Road, Bepton GU29 0JB, 50.961°, -0.774°, +1730 819000. Gorgeous hotel and spa by the South Downs, gets great reviews for comfort, service, facilities and dining. B&B double £150 2020-07-05


As of Feb 2023, Midhurst and its approach roads have 4G from EE, O2 and Vodafone, and 5G from Three.

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Postal code:GU29Date Time:Please wait...Timezone:Europe/LondonCoordinates:50.98, -0.74

West Sussex

2nd-order administrative division


Primary administrative division

United Kingdom

Population:66.5 MDial code:+44Currency:Pound (GBP)Voltage:230 V, 50 Hz