Muzhakkunnu is a village located in the valley of Puralimala (Purali hills) in Kannur District in the Indian state of Kerala. This is a historical place famous from ancient days.
The nearest airports are Kozhikode and Mangalore. Upcoming Kannur International Airport is just 15 km away.
It is 42 km from both Thalassery and Kannur, and 55 km from Thaliparambu. The route from Thalasserry goes through Koothuparanba towards Mattanur- take a right turn at Uruvachal junction, about 4 km before Mattanur. A ride of 14 km through this road via Thillankerry will take you to Muzhakunnu. The temple is about 200 meters away.
From Kannur move to Mattanur from here to Uliyil (about 9 km). From Uliyil town take a right turn to reach Thillankerry, and then to Muzhakunnu town.