Quinter is a town in Western region of Kansas.
Quinter is right off I-70. It is hard to miss.
The best way to get around is by car. It's not a very big town - about 1,000 inhabitants - so it's hard to get lost, but if you do, ask local people to help you get around.
In addition to cows, cattle and all kinds of wheat, sights around town include the following.
There are a lot of small shops on main street. You can buy groceries, food, souvenir shirts, electronical devices, flowers, etc.
I-70 gets you around. The best way to do so is by car. You can visit cities nearby like WaKeeney, Grainfield, Grinnel, Hays (about 18,000), Salina, etc. Or even Denver, CO.
2nd-order administrative division
Primary administrative division