Regent (dead link: March 2023) is a small farming community in Western North Dakota. The population of Regent is only about 250 people. It was founded in 1910. The surrounding area is a popular fishing and hunting destination.
Regent is accessible by automobile via the Enchanted Highway heading south, about 30 miles from the Gladstone exit #72 on I-94. It can also be reached by state highway 21, between New England (North Dakota) and Mott
In this wide open country, the most popular local transportation is the pickup truck. Local guides are available for hunters and fishers.
The Enchanted Highway (dead link: December 2020) is a rural road that is adorned with large-scale metal sculptures related to the local area: Deer Crossing, Giant Grasshoppers, the Tin Family, Theodore Roosevelt Rides Again, Pheasant Family, Fisherman's Dream, and Geese in Flight, by Gary Greff.
2nd-order administrative division
Primary administrative division