Multia is a municipality in Central Finland, Finland.
Nearest railway station is in Keuruu, which has direct trains from Jyväskylä, Tampere and Seinäjoki. Timetables are available from VR website.
Long-distance buses between Jyväskylä and Keuruu. For timetables of ordinary coaches, see Matkahuolto.
Dial-a-ride is available on Thursdays between Multia - Keuruu - Multia. Departure from Multia from Matkahuolto at 9:30 and return from Keuruu at 12:00. Route in Keuruu through the center (if necessary through the health center) to the Järvituuli parking lot. Fee €5.30/direction. The ride will be driven if there are at least three reservations. The ride must be booked at least the day before by 12:00 from 040 034 3119 (Jouko Vuorinen) or 040 751 3751 (Aulis Vuorinen).
2nd-order administrative division
Primary administrative division